Water pump21.01.2011 - From the VEOs office in Majalila, we could see how the local women and girls were accessing the local water source. |
Local blacksmith21.01.2011 - In Igalula, we found a local blacksmith producing and sharpening mainly axes. As raw material, he uses shock absobers from Landcruisers.
Internet connection in the bush21.01.2011 - Working in the bush is not easy. As Ewald has to deal with some issues from the HQ, he even had to climb the Landcruiser to get better internet connection. Lucky he found a spot with reasonable connection after driving around for a while... |
Start of field work Mpanda21.01.2011 - Since Wednesday, we are finally in the field, conducting interviews. We decided to go to Igalula and Majalila, two villages in the ward of Mpanda Dogo. On Tuesday, we were introduced to the local village executive officer (VEO) by an extension officer of Prokon. The picture shows us describing our project and arraning to meet the subvillage heads on Wednesday morning. |
Arrival at Prokon18.01.11 - On sunday afternoon we arrived, after a long trip on rough road, in Mpanda. Although we (more precisely Harry) had severe problems with the immigration authorities, we met Mr. Francis Nyanda yesterday. The lead agronomist of Prokon welcomed us in his office and helped us with the sampling process. We meanwhile identified two villages we would like to conduct research in and hope to be able to start tomorrow. The picture shows the team durin a guided tour in front of the recently installed oil presses at Prokon. |
Indicator ranking16.01.11 - On the FGI yesterday, the villagers were asked to rank the indicator set developed by local and national experts by using - beans.
Last data collection in Laela16.01.11 - Yesterday, the team conducted successfully a last focus group interview in Lalea. Aim was to discuss the sustainability indicators developed by national experts and rank them in accordance to their relevance for the situation in Laela.
Start of 2nd field survey14.01.2011 - Since tuesday, the team is travelling to the field work locations again. With us are Anton, our driver, Teresia, Phillip, Thadeus, Julius, Ewald and Harry.
Seasons greetings20.12.2010 - As I do not know whether the internet situation will stay stable, I publish now my very African \"Seasons Greetings\". I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Tanzania! Hope to see you all as soon as I will get back from Africa! |
Harry in Usambara Mountains20.12.2010 - As Götz and Jand back home on Saturday evening, I (Harry) remain here alone. Therefore, I decided to spend Christmas in the Usambara mountains, as the heat at the coast is not takeable any more. I will try to analyse some of the data collected so far and also to go hiking in this beautiful biodiversity hotspot. The picture shows my tent at the \"Irente cliff lodge\". |
Last evening with the girls from Wuppertal20.12.2010 - Friday evening, Katrin and Katherina from the Wuppertal institute left back home for Christmas. We are happy that they gathered most of the information needed and especially that they got an ide about how Tanzania works... We also found out that the perspectives of the \"field team\" and their point of view differ - it will be intersting how to translate this into a policy recommendation... |
Last view to the Ulugurus20.12.2010 - last morning view to the Uluguru Mountains from our hotel window... |
Data adjustment workshop Tandai20.12.2010 - During our last workshop in Tandai, we collected data about various issues like water prices, tree purposes and prices for land. Most impressive was the fact that each participant could distinguish 52 different trees and could exactly name their purposes (firewood, timber, fruits tree, cah crops, etc.) |
Decentralised energy production in Tandai20.12.2010 - During our visit in Tandai last wednesday, we discovered that an entrepreneur started to do business by installing a mini-grid, sadly enough not based on Jatropha oil but on fossil diesel. HE has not reached the break even point, but the number of his clients is continously increasing... |
Impression from a sunday hike14.12.2010 - On sunday, Götz, Katrin, Anna, Katharina and Harry hiked up to one of the highest peaks of the Ulugurus: The Bondwa (2150 m). We left at 8.30 am in the morning and came back at around 7 pm - a very long day. On the way back Anna discovered a \"lizard\" which turned out to be a chameleon... |
Anna Segerstedt left today14.12.2010 - Anna Segerstedt from the University of Hannover left Morogoro this morning and will fly out tonight after conducting an additional interviews in Dar. We hope you will have a good flight and thanks for helping with the research :-) |
Transport in Tanzania14.12.2010 -This picture gives an insight about the transportation situation for the team during the high times of the workshop. Leaning back was not an option... |
Team members from WuppertalThe team members from Wuppertal are presenting their preliminary findings at the workshop. Additionally, they are requesting, like the team from ZALF, data from the partcipants. |
AudienceThis picture shows the audience of the workshop while listening to the team from Wuppertal Institute. |
Panel discussionYesterday as introduction, a panel discussion took place. The seven experts discussion issues of sustainable biofuel production agreed that an inclusion of small scale farmers in crucial for the overall success of biofuel developments in Tanzania. |
The coordinators at workThis pciture shows Stefan Sieber, the overall project coordinator who arrived only yesterday evening in Africa, and Dr. Götz Uckert while presenting the project structure of Better-iS to the audience. |
Outreach of Better-iSThis picture shows a half page article about our meeting which was published yesterday in one of the national english newspapers in Tanzania: The Guardian. The team is very happy about this success as it indicates how well connected the Better-iS project is and that we will be able to supply our findings to the important stakeholders in politics, media and industry. |
Impressions from the workshop 2This picture shows Anna Segerstedt, a PhD student from the University of Hannover, presenting her findings about Jatropha plantation in Morogoro.
Impressions from the currently ongoing workshopThis group photo of all participants was taken yesterday after lunch directly at the Millenium Hotel which is situated in Bagamoyo, directly at the beach. Apart of some confusions and delays, the meeting was successful until now and the data collected was useful to our studies. |
Last questionaire adjustmentsBefore Götz, Ewald and Harry left for Dar and the 2nd Better-iS Workshop, last explanations were given to the team of enumerators. Since then, Jan is organising the research on the ground and, as we heard yesterday evening, everything is fine in Lalea and the quantitative data collection is going on successfully. In addition, Jan is proceeding with his expert interviews and is convinced to come back with a comprehensive data set. |
Animals 3Hippo outside the pool |
Animals 2and huge amounts of Hippos, packed in the last pools of the rivers. We hope for them that the Vuli rain season will start soon. |
Animals 1On the way to Mpanda, we crossed a national park where we could see numerous animals such as an this giraffe… |
Successful meeting with ProkonDuring the last two days, Götz and Harry travelled to Mpanda, approximately 5 hours driving North of Laela. Here, they met with Jessica Parcy from the German bioenergy company Prokon, which is running a project to produce biofuels from Jatropha. The meeting was very interesting and Better-iS will start with a survey in four Prokon outgrower villages in the first week of January 2011. |
Map of Laela villageAs main outcome of our first village focus group interview, we possess now a map of Laela, which shows all details necessary for our research. |
1st workshopIn this moment, we are in the break of our first focus group interview: The resource mapping. Aim is to give us an overview how the village locks like and especially how the locals perceive resources such as water, forest and suitable agricultural areas.
Image from missionaryThe missionary we are staying in is a school for agriculture to support the young children from the area. As no machinery is available, all transport is done via oxes. |
Arrival in LaelaThe team arrived in Laela and is staying in a missionary school just outside town. Since today, we also have a \"mama\" who is cooking for us in the morning and evening. We have no electricity and only have water for 1,5 hours per day but the rain seasons is just starting, so we are happy that we have water at all.
Transportation in rural TanzaniaTransportation in rural Tanzania often relies on bicycles – no matter how packed they are |
Arrival at SumbawangaThe team left Mbeya yesterday morning and arrived yesterday afternoon in Sumbawanga – the biggest settlement around. The road was only dirt road, which resulted in orange dust nearly everywhere. During our trip, we rested in Laela village, the first research site we will be based. The “village†is more a little town than a village and we arranged to stay in a missionary hostel there which even got electricity from solar panels. All in all the infrastructural development is much higher than in Tandai village. Tomorrow we will meet the regional authorities to introduce ourselves and we will arrive in Laela tomorrow evening – inshallah.
WorkoutArrival at Ruvuma village while hiking to morning site farm (Meike, Harry and Jan) |
On the wayBetter-iS is finally moving! After problems with the car back in Dar, Götz arrived yesterday evening with Ewald and our enumerators – we were lucky and Theresia and Julius are again on board. This is not only positive because they became friends during the last data collection but also because they do know the questionnaire very well.
2nd SURVEYThe team arrived safely in Dar on Saturday morning and is currently in the process of organising everything to start to Laela – the first destination. We spent the weekend with acclimation and a short trip to Bagamoyo (1 hour north of Dar es Salaam) on Sunday.
Village doctorWhile being in Doga for GPS logging, Jimmy and Harry tumbled into the consultation-hour of a local medical assistant. At this time, the babys and infants of Doga were measured so that the mothers know better what to feed. While Jimmy helped to lift the kids up to the weighting machine, Harry had to step back: Too many kids started cying when they saw him. This is one thing Anja and I will not miss - making kids cry just being present. |
Video ShowThis picture shows a newly built \"Video-Show\" here in Tandai - the African version of public viewing. It was especially built for the World Cup ( at least one other show is in the process of being constructed) and shows how important this event is for the Africa. Anja and Harry already watched the game of Bayern Munich against Inter Milano and we have to say: Africa is a soccer continent! |
GPS logging so farThis picture shows a screenshot of the preliminary GPS logs in Tandai. We are convinced to complete the data logging until we leave the village next wednesday. |
GPS logging succefully startedWhile Anja is digitalising the questionaires (all in all around 10.000 pictures), Harry is busy with GPS logging of all interviewed households. This is going very well, especially because Jimmy is helping a lot. Currently, three villages are logged completely (Tonya, Doga & Kisambwa) and tomorrow, he will start a big trip with Phillip to go to Lukenge and Nyange. |
Better-iS mascotThe team has a (at least semi-official) mascot: Salum, the three year old son of our cook. He is not only supporting us with sweets and fruits (although more often we support him...) but also a very loud alarm clock for food. If he is standing in front of us screeming exitedly \"Uuugali\" - we know its time for food. Additionally, he is supporting Harry on his trips to the village for GPS data collection. |
Benches from the other sideAgain the benches, this time from the other side. As it can be seen, the pupils got space to store their belongings. Might remind the older generation on times passed by... |
New benches for the school in TandaiAs mentioned previously is the Better-iS team in Tandai involved in the collection of benches for the local school. Meanwhile, the local carpenter (and his sons) started working on our request and yesterday, already 5 benches (of the total 30 ordered) were completed. Anja tried them yesterday and they proved, as one can see, as being stable and well done.
Price data collectionAs Friday is market day in Tandai, Anja used the chance to collect data about all available prices on the local market place. These days are also a chance for us to interview villagers from Nyange, the most remote sub-village of Tandai.
Status reportCurrently, the work is making fast progress and we are convinced by now that the data collection will be completed by the beginning of June. A problem which is still remaining are the two subvillages unreachable by car, but, as the rain nearly stopped, we hope to be able to question them when they reach Tandai from time to time.
Supporting the local schoolAs the villagers from Tandai are delivering data for our project, Anja and Harry started to raise money from friends and fellow NGOs to support the local elementary school, where benches are scarce. Meanwhile, more than 25 benches were donated and more and more people are starting to help. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!!! |
African contact methodsThis is what we found at the door of a hut in Lukenge: The owner wrote his mobile number on the door in case somebody comes to see him and he is absent. Brilliant and simple! |
Getting to the remote sub-villagesTo reach Lukenge and Nyange, Harry and Phillip hat to cross a couple of streams - bridges are somewhat absent in this area. |
Searching the sub-village headHarry and Phillip Daninga went last weekend to Lukenge and Nyange, the two remote sub-villages not reachable by car, to talk to the local sub-village heads to stress the importance of the data collection for us personally.
Village institutions and social conflictsToday, the team conducted, with the help of the moderators Phillip and Teresia, successfully a focus group interview to understand more about the overall political system in Tandai. We learned how the village government is elected and how the different village committees (e.g. financing & construction, defense, etc.) work together. The next focus group interview, this time about the overall environmental situation and environmental degradation will be conducted next week. Tomorrow, Anja and Harry will leave to Morogoro for two days to work (with grid electricity) on a to-be-written methodological paper. Additionally, the data collection via questionnaire is going on successfully: Today, we reached 128!
Status report after two initial weeksAfter the first two weeks, the data collection is on track. Although we had to deal with a number of unexpected problems (e.g. sub-village heads which are unwilling to participate in the selection of interviews), we conducted 99 interviews. A big thank you goes to our enumerators who are passionate about their work and are able to conduct their interviews more or less flawless by now. As Ewald, our local coordinator, is strongly involved in the data collection process for the Wuppertal Institute in Dar es Salaam, we only see him occasionally by now. He acts, nevertheless as “city support†and supplies us e.g. with air time for our mobiles and the internet connection.
CinnamonOne of the export goods from Tandai is cinnamon. |
Pineapple hillA hill next to the river where pineapples are grown |
Banana marketThe local banana market on a friday - market day |
EnumeratorOne of our enumeratoors conducting interviews |
MeasurementsHarry while measuring banana bunches at the local market. |
MasikaAnton, our driver and the young brother of a sub-village head are seeking shelter in a heavy rainstorm. Masika, the long rain season, just arrived... |
LandscapeAnother image from Tandai |
LandscapeAn image from Tandai |
Internet problemsWe recently had, again, problems with our internet connection. This is, hopefully, solved for now... |
The complete field survey teamDear Blog Readers,
Ewald Emil GervasI am Ewald Emil Gervas, the research associate of Better-iS, employed at ICRAF Tanzania. Based in Dar es Salaam, I am taking care of basically everything that is connected to the project here in Tanzania. My duties involve budgeting, data collection and currently, I am even partly responsible for conducting interviews in Tandai. I am sure that our guest researchers from Germany will learn a lot – not only about bioenergy but also about the friendly lifestyle in rural Tanzania. |
Dr. Götz UckertHi, I am Dr. Götz Uckert, the African coordinator of the Better-iS project. I am participating in the intial stages of the survey to be sure that everything works out fine – until now I have no reason to believe something else. Whatever happens: Congratulations to the team as I witnessed them working hard on the formulation and structure of the questionnaire on the one hand and on the implementation on the other. With that team spirit, nothing can stop us! |
Anja FasseI am Anja Fasse and I am the “mother†of the questionnaire. If I am not taking care of my “babyâ€, I am working as research assistant at the University of Hannover in the department of Environmental Economics and World trade. I am sure that everything will work out here in Tandai so that I will have a lot of data to play with during the next years. |
Harry HoffmannHi, I am Harry Hoffmann and I guess most of you know me already. I am working as scientific assistant and PhD candidate for the Better-iS project at the ZALF in Müncheberg/Germany. The field work in Tandai is of special importance to me as I will be back in Tanzania in autumn to conduct additional field surveys in the west of Tanzania – and I guess I will very much profit from the knowledge I can gain here. |
Phillip DaningaMy name is Phillip Daninga (my friends just call me Daninga) and I currently working on my Master thesis in Agricultural Economics at SUA whereby this thesis is embedded in the second ZALF coordinated project here in Tanzania (ReACCT (www.reacct.com)). This was also my initial connection to the Better-iS project and the field survey. My desire is to see whether communities here in Tanzania are ready to switch to alternative practices that will improve their livelihood and save the world from climate change impacts caused by environmental degradation. |
George KarwaniI am George Karwani Mbazita and I pursued a Bachelor degree in horticulture in 2007. Currently, I am a master student at the SUA in the sector of “Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (MNRSA)â€. My master thesis will be about the impact of Agroforestry on livelihoods as well as effective land and environmental conservation. I would like to develop my career in the direction of sustainable bioenergy production. |
Theresia Gawile ItotI am Theresia Gawile Itot and I live in Dar es Salaam together with my husband Charles and our son Charlton, who is 1 year and 8 months old. I pursued a Bachelor degree in Environmental management from Makerere University in Kampala/Uganda. Currently, I am enroled in a MBA Master program in Dar es Salaam. Generally, I am very interested in research in the environmental sector as I want to become competent in global environmental issues to be an environmental educator later in my career. |
Jimmy SiangaMy duty is to take care of the save transport of the team – I am Jimmy Sianga and I working as driver and field assistant for ICRAF Tanzania. In the future, I am planning to move on and increase my driving skills to become a VIP driver somewhere in East Africa. |
Julius EdwardHi, I am Julius Edward. I am holding a Bachelor degree in “Aquatic environmental science and conservation†from the University of Dar es Salaam. Currently, I am working for the Better-iS project, as the topic of bioenergy seems to be very interesting to me. |
Prisca P. NtabayeI am Prisca P. Ntabaye and I am a Tanzania citizen from Sumbawanga, Rukwa region. Currently I am enrolled as Master student at the Sokoine University of agriculture in the department of “Science management of natural resources for sustainable agriculture (MNRSA)â€. My master thesis will potentially be about the impact of biofuels to water supply in Tanzania. After graduating, I would like to stay in Science, as my aim is to become a researcher in environmental and sustainability issues as Tanzania needs to protect its natural resources. |
Thadeus B. KisangiMy name is Thadeus B. Kisangi and I am currently working as enumerator for the Better-iS project. I am a Master student at the Sokoine University of Agriculture and taking an M.Sc. course in “Management of Natureâ€. I intend to write my Master thesis about the “Biofuel industry as a critical challenge to development. A case study from Tanzaniaâ€. Currently I am working with the local authorities in Mvomero district as a natural resource officer. After graduating, I would like to stay in research and science. |
RoomsOur bunk-bedrooms |
DormitoryThis is our dormitory here in Tandai. In this building, we got 4 rooms with 4 beds each. We still have to see how we organise us.... |
“Living roomâ€Our outside “living roomâ€. We are eating here and discussing with the team about ongoing issues. |
KitchenICRAF hired a “mama†to prepare our breakfast, lunch and dinner. We need to get used to the breakfast (potatoes and breadfruits in gravy, together with Chapatti and eggs), but after 6 weeks with untoasted toast bread and a boiled egg, we are happy to get something else.
View from the guesthouseView into another direction. It is clearly visible that most of the area has already been cleared due to agricultural production. There are, nevertheless, still trees existing to avoid erosion on the hand and to be used as timer and firewood on the other.
View from the street leading to out guesthouseOn this plot, which is partly covered by massive boulders, rice is currently produced. At the boundaries, pineapples are planted. This is one of the few fields where no intercropping is taking place. |
HiluxThe ICRAF Toyota Hilux who brought us here. Without him and Jimmy, our live would have been way more complicated until now. |
TandaiYesterday, we finally moved to Tandai. In the end, it was not very hard to leave Morogoro, as we stayed there for too long and were very much looking forward to start the work in the field.
First visitorsOn Thursday, we welcomed our first visitors: Paul and Chris, friends of Harry from Berlin, arrived from Bagamoyo (North of Dar es Salaam). Yesterday, they moved with us to Tandai.
Rain – hopefully a good sign!Since the first pretesting, which results showed that a lot of adoptions stills need to be done to finalise it, especially Anja, as the “mother†of the questionnaire, was working nearly constantly on its improvement. As we figured out by talking to people who already did quantitative research in a developing country, this is not frightening but normal: What the researchers develop hardly ever fits into the reality on the ground. This information, and the enthusiasm of the enumerators, got us back on track.
Exceptional interview partnerHarry while trying to discuss important aspects of childhood in the typical African upbringing process with Rashid, our youngest participant (8 months). |
ModeratingEwald Gervas moderating the discussion on the second day. |
ModeratingAishi Kitalyi moderating the development of the sustainability indicator set on the first workshop day. |
Better-iS village workshop conducted and completedDuring the last two days, the “Muzungus†(Anja, Götz & Harry) conducted, in cooperation with ICRAF (Ewald, Aishi, Mathew) our local village workshop to answer questions which are urgently requested for the final adjustment of the questionnaire.
beyond easterIf everything works out, Götz and Ewald will leave Friday 9th to fly to Kigoma at Lake Tanganyika in the West of Tanzania to meet Dr. Hamimo Hongo, who is the deputy director of FELSIA, which is involved in the decentralised production of biodiesel from palm oil; produced on 4.000 ha on his own farm and additional through 900 farmers in outgrower schemes. They will be back 4 days later to join Anja and Harry, who meanwhile pretested the last adjustments on the questionnaire, to get the first week of the village survey started.
Meanwhile in Dar es SalaamMeanwhile, Harry met with Erick Kabendera on Thursday (01.04.) who is working at “The Guardian†(Tanzanias biggest English newspaper) in Dar es Salaam to get more insights about the public debate concerning biofuels and land grabbing in Tanzania. Erick could supply us with very valuable contacts in Tanzania and the UK and might also attend our next workshop in autumn. Additionally, Harry met with some people form the national representation of the DED to get more information about their work in Tanzania and briefly introduce the Better-iS project. |
scheduling village workshopsTogether with the extension officer and the accidently present WEO (ward executive officer) from Kinole Anja and Götz discussed and agreed dates and participants for the upcoming events: Next Tuesday (06.04.), a first focus group discussion will take place to assess and confirm the preliminary cropping plan, which was developed in cooperation with the village extension officer on Saturday. On Wednesday and Thursday (07/08.04), our “big†village workshop will be conducted including representatives from ward and village, all income groups, heads and farmers from sub-villages (gender balanced), indigenous knowledge keepers as well as relevant members of the village committee and NGO representatives active in the sector of agriculture, forest conservation and environment in Kinole. Due to our still problematic visa situation, ICRAF will be the official host and Dr. Aishi Kitalyi will be present in the village as well. In this meeting we will present the project to the attending audience, develop the final set of sustainability indicators and adjust the questionnaire to the local realities. |
Meetings in KinoleAlthough Anja and Götz caught a flew at the beginning of the week (the rain season finally arrived and we checked: It is not Malaria!) they both had a very successful trip to Tandai on Wednesday afternoon. After finding the office closed they met all the officials and villagers at their monthly village assembly held under the trees near the primary school. |
Cropping plan for TandaiAfter our unsuccessful trip to Tandai yesterday, we were able to meet the extension officer for Kinole today in Morogoro to discuss with him especially the cropping plan of the area but also to learn more about the agricultural habits in Tandai itself. Some very interesting facts are that e.g. the plantation of bananas is always taking place on best sites, which are in Kinole mostly in the youngest agricultural areas at the top of the hills recently cleared. This indicates that the quality of the soil on these plots is declining dramatically due to soil erosion – could bananas therefore be used as indicator species for change of soil quality? This needs to be further evaluated in the field next week.
DepartureToday, Jans Bobert, a member of the Better-iS Partner project ReACCT left Morogoro to fly back to Germany. He helped us a lot, especially with GPS data management and GIS related questions, but a very fruitful cooperation with him could also be established. As a result, a first paper between the team of ZALF and IUW concerning the overall economic and agricultural modelling of Jatropha is initiated. |
African surprisesOur plan for the day was to discuss with the extension officer in Kinole especially about potential cropping plans and a date for the village workshop - but the African reality prevented this. Half way to Kinole, the street was blocked by locals who were in the process of cutting down an old tree at the side of the road. As they were only working with axes, they made us choose between a) going to Kinole but stay there for a couple of days as it will take time to remove the tree from the street (there is only one road) or b) turn back and try it after the weekend. Today was an office day… |
Dehulled Jatropha seedsA local worker dehulling Jatropha seeds at Mr. Kabirs farm. She manages do extract 15 kg of Jtropha seeds per day. |
Field trip: Mr. Kabirs farmOn Wednesday, the project team, a representative from JPTL, a representative from Kinole and a guest researcher from the partner project ReACCT conducted a field trip to a former Sisal plantage (Madoto Estate) in Kilosa/Morogoro. The Estate is managed by an Indian farmer, Mr. Kabir, who showed us around again (the team already visited him in autumn last year) as he is currently experimenting with Jatropha on high input level. Especially the comparison between the plant size and the yields in Madoto and Kinole showed impressively how big the potential of Jatropha is, if managed well.
Local farmer in discussionA local farmer is discussing about the economic viability of Jatropha in Kinole - she came to Morogoro for the first time in her life to participate in the workshop. |
Workshop successfully implementedOn Monday and Tuesday last week (15th and 16th of April), the present Better-iS team (ZALF: Götz Uckert, Stefan Sieber, Harry Hoffmann / IUW: Anja Fasse, Anna Segerstedt, Etti Winter / ICRAF: Aishi Kitalyi, Ewald Emil) conducted a highly successful and satisfying local kick-off workshop at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro.
Cleaning of market productsOn the way to the Morning Site farm, the team could observe how a local farmers washes and bundles his carrots for the market |
Whistling techniquesA team member trying to learn how the locals whistle in the mountains. |
Workshop, Master students & GuestsSince the last entry, a lot happened to the Better-iS team here in Morogoro.
View from guesthouseView from Kinole Guesthouse to the Uluguru Mountains |
First daysThe team consisting out of Anna Segerstedt, Anja Fasse (IUW), Götz Uckert and Harry Hoffmann (ZALF) (see photo) arrived after a long day safely in Dar es Salaam on Monday evening. The day after, we had a briefing at the ICRAF office with Ewald Emil Gervas, the local bioenergy specialist. Together with him and Jans Bobert, a member of ZALF working in the partner project ReACCT, we moved on Tuesday evening to Morogoro to follow up with researchers from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) after our preliminary visits in June and October 2009.